Don’t Smile Now … Save it for Later – Thijs groot Wassink


Year: 2008
Edition: First
Pages: 56
Dimensions: 17 x 21.5 cm
Format: Softcover

In Don’t Smile Now … Save it for Later, Thijs Groot Wassink shows us London from the viewpoint of a photo booth.

Go into the booth, open the curtain, feed in the money, hold up a mirror, press the button – and pop! In post offices and train stations, supermarkets and shopping centres, the booth camera captures its first uncertain view of the world outside. It sees vague figures – blurred, menacing, oblivious, suspicious. It sees shelves of gaudy merchandise, the fingers of a man, Bob the Builder. Thank you for using Photo-Me.

Published in association with WassinkLundgren.

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